Carpet Cleaning Tips You Can Totally Swear By

No matter how much effort you put into cleaning your carpets, it is going to remain a little dirty. And it does not happen because the efforts you put in are not up to the mark, but because carpets cover the floor and gravitation pulls everything downward. So, starting from spills and drops to breakage of fragile objects, everything seems to target your carpet. And that is probably the reason why cleaning a carpet is so difficult. Nevertheless, we have some tips on cleaning carpets as put forward by professionals. So, what makes you wait? Learn these tips and make cleaning the carpets at your home as easy as ABC.

  • If it’s a fresh stain that you have noticed on your carpet, then it would be a folly on your part to try cleaning it by rubbing on it. The best way to remove a fresh stain is by pressing on it with a clean cloth, dipped in some cleaning solution. You can also use a sponge or a paper towel instead of a cloth. So, what this cloth basically does is blotting. When you press the cloth or the sponge or the paper towel against the stain, it soaks it up. On the other hand, when you try to rub the stain, the particles in it get transferred to nearby carpet fibres. But when you blot, make sure you don’t blot outward as this could spread the stain.
  • If somebody tells you that the best way to remove wine and beer stains is to use club soda, then believe them without any questions. After all, that’s true. Use a cloth dipped in club soda to remove the stain. If club soda has failed to remove a particular stain, make a solution of vinegar and water and put it in a sprayer. Now, spray the solution on to the stained area. Use a sponge and try to blot the solution from the stain. Repeat this process as many times as you like. But don’t give up before you see the stain coming off the carpet.
  • When you see that the stain is no more on the carpet, just rinse it with warm water. This might disturb the natural direction of the carpet strands. So, use your hand to brush the strands back to their original position. If you want to soak up the dampness from the carpet, then press a few paper towels on to the stained area and then keep a paperweight on the towels. The dampness will be gone after some time.
  • For most general stains, you can use any ordinary shaving cream. This is such a great remedy that you will swear by it once you follow it. What you need to do to remove a stain with shaving cream is to apply it directly on the stain and let it be there for around half an hour. After the cream has settled, you will have to blot it away with a white cloth that is not wet. The last step in the process is spraying the area with a solution of vinegar and water. Don’t forget to remove the solution with a cloth.

Although these are very effective remedies, you might hire one of the best professional Carpet cleaning services Delhi to get your carpets cleaned professionally. For best services, hire Klean Homz without doubts and apprehensions.

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