Cleaning the House for Diwali- Some Amazing Tips

Starting from food and light to get-togethers, almost everything about Diwali is so special. And that is probably the reason why Diwali is one of the most awaited festivals for Indians. And now that Diwali is around the corner, you have an important responsibility at hand. Wondering what? Yes, cleaning the house. Since deities are believed to enter people’s homes during this festival, homeowners love to engage in deep house cleaning sessions, before the onset of this festival. If you too celebrate Diwali and love to clean your house before the celebrations start, then here are some cleaning tips that you can blindly follow. Have a look-

  • If you want to start early, then sure do so; it will not just help you do a better cleaning of the house but will also give you enough time to cover all important areas. And if you are starting early, make sure you start from the areas that you are least interested in cleaning. If you go for a last-minute clean-up, then you will definitely leave out these areas. And that is why you should start with them early on, especially when undertaking a last-minute cleaning is not extremely important.
  • Another important thing that you need to do before Diwali is decluttering the house. In today’s world, everyone is so busy that things do get messed up at the house. Sorting out things every single day is not possible for most people. And that is why you should take out time to clean this mess up once in a while. When you try to declutter, don’t look at things with the eyes of a homeowner; look at them from an outsider’s eyes. Only then will you be able to figure out what needs to be cleaned. If clothes are your major concern then just do away with them- give them to the needy, offer them to some charity house, recycle them or simply throw them out, if they are the reason why your house looks so cluttered.
  • Brass has an extremely traditional feel to it. And that is why most Indian people love to keep brass utensils in their homes. And these brass utensils are not just used in the kitchen, they also make for amazing decorative items. If you too have brass items at your home, do clean them before Diwali. For the best cleaning, all you need is a mixture of flour, salt, and vinegar. You can also make use of chemical cleaning agents that are meant specifically for the purpose of cleaning brass items.
  • If you have a paper lantern and clay diyas from the last Diwali, don’t throw them out just because they look dirty. To clean them properly, all you need is a little bit of dusting. If the item is not prone to damage from dampness, then you can also use a wet cloth to clean it up. This doesn’t just save you a lot of money but also helps you keep your items of sentimental value in your possession, forever.

These are definitely some of the best Diwali home cleaning tips for you. But in case, all this looks like a Chore, you can take professional help as well. Although there are many companies that offer Diwali cleaning services, there is no reason why you should trust anyone other than Kleanhomz. Kleanhomz offers the best home cleaning services in Shona Road, Gurgaon.

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