How to Keep Your House Clean When You Have a Dog at Home

The entire feeling of owning a dog is rewarding. When it sits on your lap, plays in your arms or licks your face, you simply accept them as your own immediate family member. But having a pet comes with a lot of responsibilities. And the responsibility is not only about taking care of your them, but also of your home. Yes, with a pet at home, keeping the interior and the exterior clean can be quite difficult. But with these tips below, cleaning your house will be a breeze-

How to get rid of that peculiar smell?

Not just dog owners, even owners of other pets face this problem. Although the owner of the pet will not be able to feel the stench strongly, their guests will not just recognize it outright but may not feel comfortable. So, the best way to get rid of this problem is keeping your dog clean so as not to leave it to stink. If the smell persists, then do this-

The first solution – baking soda

By using baking soda, you will be able to remove dog smell not just from your clothes but also other objects at your home. You can use baking soda as an air freshener or a dry shampoo. You can also use it along with detergent. It will also be convenient for you to use baking soda in a spray form.

The second solution – make use of incense sticks

With nice smelling incense sticks, you will be able to do away with the smell of your dog from your house for as long as the fragrance of the incense sticks lingers.

The third solution – lemons

Lemons can be a great deodorant for your house, especially for the foul smell your dog leaves lingering around. Prepare a lemon spray for easy application. For this spray, mix a cup full of lemon juice with 600 to 700 ml of water, and a few tablespoons of brown sugar. Put the mixture in a spray bottle and use it as and when required. You can also use this spray to remove paw stains.

How to deal with dog urine problem?

Although most dog owners offer their dog toilet training, yet they can sometimes misbehave and pee in the house. Dog urine smells bad and leaves a stain on the floor. So, how to deal with it? Well, find out here-

The solution-

Sprinkle baking soda on the urine and let it stay for around 3 to 4 minutes. Then wipe the area clean with a piece of cloth or sponge.

How to deal with falling dog hair?

Who doesn’t love to cuddle their pet? But cuddling and playing with them can cause your clothes to get covered with their fallen hair. You can also find their hair on the carpet, bed, or the sofa. The cleaning tip below will help you sort out this problem effectively.

The solution – invest in a good lint roller

There is a sticky sheet on this roller that automatically attracts pet hair when you roll this tool on surfaces with pet hair strewn on them. This way, you will be able to clean clothes, carpets, and upholstery. Once you are done with the cleaning, you can remove the used sheet on the roller, and use a newer one for the next cleaning.

These are some tricks dog owners find extremely helpful while cleaning their homes. You too must have found them handy. If, however, these remedies fail to clear out some stubborn stains caused by your dog, then you can hire Klean Homz for the expert service .

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