Keeping the Bedroom Spotless – Some Tips

Your bedroom is the place where you find solace after a hard day’s work. It’s that place of the house where you engage in the most relaxing activity of your day – sleeping. And that is probably the reason why almost everyone wants their bedroom to look beautiful and feel clean. Although there are many ways to keep your bedroom clean, yet we have dished out here some of the most effective ways. Have a look-

  • We all like open windows to let some fresh air in. But don’t forget that opening of windows also invites dust and grime on it. If you spot any dust on the windows, just use a dusting wand to remove it. Since we keep touching the windows, they should always remain clean. Otherwise, we might fall sick from the dust and germs stuck on them.

To clean the window sills, take water mixed with few drops of dish wash liquid or a little baking soda in a spray bottle. Spray the sill with this solution, let it sit for some time, and then clean the settled grime with a toothbrush. Use the same brush to lift any caked-on grime on the window track.

  • Don’t forget to mop the floor. After all, the floor attracts a lot of dust and dirt from the environment due to gravitation. You can always use a broom to dust the floor. But, in case, the dirt is deep-seated; you will need a mop to wipe it off. Although you can clean the floor with plain water, yet you might need a disinfectant solution to disinfect the floor once in a while. The reason why it is important to sanitize the floor is that you don’t want your kids and pet to fall sick from the germs on it. This is a safety measure you need to take because kids and animals sit or lie on the floor without thinking.
  • If there is any stain on the walls of the room, then clean it thoroughly. For cleaning stains on your wall, take a cup of warm water, mix one-fourth of a teaspoon of soap in it. Now, take a cloth, dip it in the solution and then clean the stains. For stubborn stains, you can use a solution of two-thirds of a cup of water mixed with one-third of a cup of white vinegar. This way, all the stains on your wall will bid adieu forever.
  • The high traffic areas of the bedroom should be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. Without vacuum cleaning, these areas can’t be cleaned efficiently.

Now, that you know how to keep your bedroom clean, there is no reason why you should make any mistake in this regard. If, however, you don’t have the time to deep clean, then you can hire a professional agency once a while. If you want reliable services, then go for Klean Homz without doubts and apprehensions. Klean Homz offers the best home cleaning services anyone can ask for.

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